Poached Leeks
You Need
30 mini leeks
8 free range eggs
200g puff pastry
100ml olive oil
100ml mandarin oil
100ml white balsamic vinegar
2tsp smooth dijon mustard
salt and freshly ground white pepper
a knob of butter and some fresh chervil to decorate or small edible flowers
preheat oven to 200°C
How to
Trim, and cut into equal 4cm pieces all the leeks and blanch in boiling salted water for 4mins
Drain and refresh in iced cold water
Line a baking tray with baking parchment
Roll out the puff pastry to 3mm and cut out 10 rectangles approx 4cm by 8cm with a pastry cutter
prick the circles with a fork, place on baking tray and cover with a 2nd sheet of baking parchment. Cover with a 2nd baking tray and weigh down with weights so that the puff pastry does not rise
Bake in the oven for 20 mins, checking from time to time.
The pastry discs should be golden brown and flat
Take out and set to one side
reduce the oven to 150°C
Roll the leeks in a little melted butter and warm on a baking tray in the oven for 10 mins
Bring a large pan of water to the boil and poach the eggs for 4 mins until they are softly poached, remove and drain. Set aside carefully on a plate
Mix all the vinaigrette ingredients together in a small pan and warm gently
To assemble
Prepare 8 medium sized plates
*Pro-Tip think about how restaurants often use much larger plates than necessary for the entrée – purely for presentation! It makes a big difference than a crowded entrée plate.
Place 1 pastry rectangle in the middle of the plate, arrange the leeks on top, then carefully place the poached egg on top of the leeks and
then gently spoon over the warm vinaigrette,
decorate with the chervil or even some little edible flowers